MISTY ANTIQUITY (acrylic on canvas 2022)

Ladies in Cafe. 
Ladies in the Old City. SOLD
Once Upon A Time... SOLD
Misty Antiquity. SOLD
Music of Autumn.  N/A
Autumn Nostalgia. 
September Waltz in Tallinn.
Dreams of Prague
In the Maze
City Where Fairy-Tales Live. SOLD
Fog in the Old City. N/A
"Misty Antiquity", SALA 2022, 1 Aug- 30 Oct 2022, Event Glenelg Cinema, 
 1 Aug - 25 Oct Glenelg Art Gallery, Stamford Grand Hotel, Glenelg
"Autumn Melancholy", June-July 2022, Event Glenelg Cinema
"Women from the Past", May-June 2022, Glenelg Art Gallery

Misty Antiquity

Misty Antiquity
